World News: Did the Leftists in France use the Strategy of the Opposition in India to win the Legislative Elections?
When news today live reports showed that Marine La Pen’s right wing National Rally [RN] party emerged as the largest party after the first round of voting for legislative elections to the National Assembly, it looked like France will have a right-wing majority in the legislature. However, this surge in RN’s popular vote share set alarm bells ringing all across the centrist and leftist political circles of the country. They decided to sink their differences for once and enter into a political alliance named the Republican Front to prevent RN from winning. The deal was to withdraw weak centrist or leftist candidates from constituencies with multi-cornered contests, thereby giving voters a stark choice – Republican Front or RN.
Source: LeMonde
This is exactly what the INDI Alliance did in India to prevent the Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP-led National Democratic Alliance [NDA] from returning to power for a third time as per today news headlines.
The INDI Alliance’s strategy ensured a much better performance by the opposition at the cost of the BJP’s poor performance, it failed to prevent the BJP-led NDA from returning to power for a third term.
However, in France the strategy worked wonderfully for the centrist and leftists in the second round resulting in the right-wing RN ending up as the third largest party according to today breaking news.
World News Today Live: Why is the right wing feared by the centrists and leftists in France?
The right-wing RN party led by populist leader Marine Le Pen has clearly stated its intention to strictly implement tighter immigration control laws.
This is something the centrist and left-wing parties are petrified of because if implemented, it will undo decades of experimenting with multi-culturalism by these parties in France as per news today live.
Source: APNews
In particular, the right-wing RN wants to legislate laws that bans ritual slaughter of animals by Muslims and Jews, which requires torturing the animals to death.
When seen from humanist and ethical perspectives, this particular law should have been welcomed by the leftists and centrists who claim to be progressive and secular.
Unfortunately, the votes of the Muslims matter a lot to the leftists and centrists and they have taken a stand that the Muslims and Jews have the right to ritually slaughter animals.
The RN talks of banning the use of the Islamic Hijab in public by any woman while the centrists and the leftists see such prohibition as a violation of individual rights. Similarly, there are many other issues of critical importance where the views of the right-wing are the exact opposite of those of the centrists and the left wing.
Today World News Headlines: Reasons for the rise of right-wing nationalism in France
In over 80 years since the end of World War II, France, which was a frontline state against Nazi Germany, decided to adopt a state policy of racial, ethnic, social and cultural inclusiveness.
The French policy-makers of that time thought that will help in the growth and development of a multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society in the future going by today news headlines.
After eight decades of unrestricted racial, ethnic, social and cultural fusion, the dream of a multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society in France has remained in the dreamland of the ideologues who drove such a policy during this time.
Source: TheAustralian
Today, the fault-lines between the ethnic French and immigrants have increased to a level that has made it very difficult for this nation to follow up on its policy of multi-culturalism without endangering the internal security of the country.
For the first time in 80 years, French politics is witnessing the return of right-wing nationalism in the country with a substantial presence in the National Assembly.
Today World Breaking News: Role of Islamist extremism in deepening anti-immigrant sentiments
Of all the immigrant groups in France it is the radical Islamist fringe that has singularly been responsible for the rise of anti-immigrant sentiments among a growing number of the French.
These radical Islamists have their own theory of global dominance for which they are waging a holy war or jihad, which always results in ghastly terrorist activities as per today breaking news.
Source: SoerenKern
Such terrorist and the bloody and macabre scenes they leave behind are the real reason for the phenomenal growth of right-wing nationalism in France.
A growing number of French who have moved toward supporting right-wing politics believe that the leftists and centrists are responsible for bringing Muslims into France legally and illegally.
These new supporters of French nationalism accuse the country’s centrist and leftist leadership of forcing the native French to accept values of the Muslims in particular that are not compatible with French culture.
Whether the centrists and the leftists like it or not, it is a fact that right-wing nationalism is not just here to stay in France but is also going to grow. How fast the support for right-wing nationalism grows will depend on how much more the centrists and leftists try to enforce acceptance of Islamic cultural norms among the native French. The centrists and leftists must not assume that their victory margin will be constant or even grow in future unless they do something about illegal immigration especially of Muslims. That is the harsh truth of French politics today.